Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Karma Ran Over My Dogma ...

Checked my bank balance today to discover I was richer than I thought, by the princely sum of 33,000 Europes. My heart went all a flutter. Where did it come from, who loves me, maybe work loves me. The left side of my brain churned away trying to think of a valid source for my windfall while the right side of my brain was yelling it’s a mistake, clearly a mistake. It’s not your money. The left side was already spending it. I could get new alloys for me motor, go on a holiday, and pay off some debts, buy 3300000 penny sweets, fuck I could just blow it. But it isn't mine, it isn't mine. If I took it would that be stealing? Do I care. Maybe God cares. God what God? Nietzsche said that God was dead. He might not be dead but he's on a life support machine. What about Karma, what goes around comes around and all that bollocks. Karma got the better of me so I rang the bank knowing it was a mistake but hoping all the while that I’d be told “yes sir that money is yours, you’ve been such a valued customer and we all like the cut of your jib. So much so that we decided to give you 33,000 for no fucking reason whatsoever. Yes we are dead on.” Some dozy bint at the bank had lodged two checks against my name when they were supposed to be lodged against another guy with the same name. Who would have though there’d be two OhBeJoe’s with accounts at the same branch. All together now, cat-ma-lowdgin ……

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