Friday, October 26, 2007
What You Eating For ?
I’ve been busier than a Baghdad brickie of late. The powers that be here at ‘Masters-Of-The-Dark-Arts-Inc’ have been working me like a fuckin pit pony. In the last fortnight I’ve been in Sheffield for a few days then back here for a day then I was in Ballina for a week, got back last night and tomorrow I’m off to Boston for a week. The rock and roll lifestyle of a travelling software engineer, it’s like being famous only shite. Sheffield’s not up to much, big University town, lots of unwashed students and fuck all else. The drive from Sheffield to Manchester along the Snake Path over the Pennines is very pretty though. It’s very similar to Glendalough in terms of lakes, trees and hills and shit but on a much bigger scale. Ballina is a stereotypical Irish town, old and decrepit in places, all new and shiny in others. It has the appearence of a place that has a higher than average amount of inbreeding but more bars than you can shake a ham sandwich at. So it all works out. Apparently there are 99 licensed premises in Ballina but I doubt somehow that they are all still operating. It has some good restaurants too, such as Dillon’s, Murphy’s and Crocket’s. The hotel restaurant was terribly over priced though with a steak costing a massive 39.00 Euro. At that price I expected the whole fucking bullock but all I got was an admittedly succulent fillet about the size of my fist and at that price I truly felt fisted. Crocket’s is the sort of place where you have to catch your own Racoon and they fashion a hat out of whatever you don’t eat. Murphy’s had a huge fish tank just inside the door and on closer inspection one could find lobster arseing about at the bottom of it. The menu proudly offered live lobster at the top of its fish list, I glanced at the fish tank, sizing them up, I might have had a go at a dead one but I’d be fucked if I was putting a live one into my gob. They could fuck away off with their live lobster, I was in a restaurant dagnamit and at the very least I had expected the cunts to cook.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Humans To Bang Robots By 2050!
Humans could marry robots within the century. And consummate those vows.
"My forecast is that around 2050, the state of Massachusetts will be the first jurisdiction to legalize marriages with robots," artificial intelligence researcher David Levy at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands told LiveScience.
Levy recently completed his Ph.D. work on the subject of human-robot relationships, covering many of the privileges and practices that generally come with marriage as well as outside of it.
At first, sex with robots might be considered geeky, "but once you have a story like 'I had sex with a robot, and it was great!' appear someplace like Cosmo magazine, I'd expect many people to jump on the bandwagon," Levy said.
Pygmalion to Roomba
The idea of romance between humanity and our artistic and/or mechanical creations dates back to ancient times, with the Greek myth of the sculptor Pygmalion falling in love with the ivory statue he made named Galatea, to which the goddess Venus eventually granted life.
Well now. I guess so long as you don't have the thing plugged in and charging while your filling it with love muck it might just work. Of course shoving your knob between two electric sanders would work just as well. Or so I'm told .....
In other news. This was e-mailed to me today ....

I'm thinking of signing up. Imagine having a cock the size of a small lady. It's no ordinary cock either. It's a throbbing varicose veined cartoon comic cock that is. You could impregnate women from 50 yards with a cock like that. Of course carrying it around would be murder on your back. Still it’s a small price to pay for an atomic cock....
Max hand me the magic mouthpiece I've a new cock to order....
"My forecast is that around 2050, the state of Massachusetts will be the first jurisdiction to legalize marriages with robots," artificial intelligence researcher David Levy at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands told LiveScience.
Levy recently completed his Ph.D. work on the subject of human-robot relationships, covering many of the privileges and practices that generally come with marriage as well as outside of it.
At first, sex with robots might be considered geeky, "but once you have a story like 'I had sex with a robot, and it was great!' appear someplace like Cosmo magazine, I'd expect many people to jump on the bandwagon," Levy said.
Pygmalion to Roomba
The idea of romance between humanity and our artistic and/or mechanical creations dates back to ancient times, with the Greek myth of the sculptor Pygmalion falling in love with the ivory statue he made named Galatea, to which the goddess Venus eventually granted life.
Well now. I guess so long as you don't have the thing plugged in and charging while your filling it with love muck it might just work. Of course shoving your knob between two electric sanders would work just as well. Or so I'm told .....
In other news. This was e-mailed to me today ....

I'm thinking of signing up. Imagine having a cock the size of a small lady. It's no ordinary cock either. It's a throbbing varicose veined cartoon comic cock that is. You could impregnate women from 50 yards with a cock like that. Of course carrying it around would be murder on your back. Still it’s a small price to pay for an atomic cock....
Max hand me the magic mouthpiece I've a new cock to order....
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
‘I hate All Iranians,’ US Aide Tells British MPs
by Simon Walters
Britsh MPs visiting the Pentagon to discuss America’s stance on Iran and Iraq were shocked to be told by one of President Bush’s senior women officials: “I hate all Iranians.”
And she also accused Britain of “dismantling” the Anglo-US-led coalition in Iraq by pulling troops out of Basra too soon.
The all-party group of MPs say Debra Cagan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Coalition Affairs to Defence Secretary Robert Gates, made the comments this month.
The six MPs were taken aback by the hardline approach of the Pentagon and in particular Ms Cagan, one of Mr Bush’s foreign policy advisers.
She made it clear that although the US had no plans to attack Iran, it did not rule out doing so if the Iranians ignored warnings not to develop a nuclear bomb.
It was her tone when they met her on September 11 that shocked them most.
The MPs say that at one point she said: “In any case, I hate all Iranians.”
Although it was an aside, it was not out of keeping with her general demeanour.
“She seemed more keen on saying she didn’t like Iranians than that the US had no plans to attack Iran,” said one MP. “She did say there were no plans for an attack but the tone did not fit the words.”
Another MP said: “I formed the impression that some in America are looking for an excuse to attack Iran. It was very alarming.”
Tory Stuart Graham, who was on the ten-day trip, would not discuss Ms Cagan but said: “It was very sobering to hear from the horse’s mouth how the US sees the situation.”
Ms Cagan, whose job involves keeping the coalition in Iraq together, also criticised Britain for pulling out troops.
“She said if we leave the south of Iraq, the Iranians will take it over,” said one MP.
Another said: “She is very forceful and some of my colleagues were intimidated by her muscular style.”
The MPs also saw Henry Worcester, Deputy Director of the Office of Iranian Affairs, who said he favoured talks with Iran.
The Pentagon denied Ms Cagan said she “hated” Iranians.
“She doesn’t speak that way,” said an official.
But when The Mail on Sunday spoke to four of the six MPs, three confirmed privately that she made the remark and one declined to comment. The other two could not be contacted.
© 2007 The Daily Mail
If ever a woman had a cock this bitch surely does!
Britsh MPs visiting the Pentagon to discuss America’s stance on Iran and Iraq were shocked to be told by one of President Bush’s senior women officials: “I hate all Iranians.”
And she also accused Britain of “dismantling” the Anglo-US-led coalition in Iraq by pulling troops out of Basra too soon.
The all-party group of MPs say Debra Cagan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Coalition Affairs to Defence Secretary Robert Gates, made the comments this month.
The six MPs were taken aback by the hardline approach of the Pentagon and in particular Ms Cagan, one of Mr Bush’s foreign policy advisers.
She made it clear that although the US had no plans to attack Iran, it did not rule out doing so if the Iranians ignored warnings not to develop a nuclear bomb.
It was her tone when they met her on September 11 that shocked them most.
The MPs say that at one point she said: “In any case, I hate all Iranians.”
Although it was an aside, it was not out of keeping with her general demeanour.
“She seemed more keen on saying she didn’t like Iranians than that the US had no plans to attack Iran,” said one MP. “She did say there were no plans for an attack but the tone did not fit the words.”
Another MP said: “I formed the impression that some in America are looking for an excuse to attack Iran. It was very alarming.”
Tory Stuart Graham, who was on the ten-day trip, would not discuss Ms Cagan but said: “It was very sobering to hear from the horse’s mouth how the US sees the situation.”
Ms Cagan, whose job involves keeping the coalition in Iraq together, also criticised Britain for pulling out troops.
“She said if we leave the south of Iraq, the Iranians will take it over,” said one MP.
Another said: “She is very forceful and some of my colleagues were intimidated by her muscular style.”
The MPs also saw Henry Worcester, Deputy Director of the Office of Iranian Affairs, who said he favoured talks with Iran.
The Pentagon denied Ms Cagan said she “hated” Iranians.
“She doesn’t speak that way,” said an official.
But when The Mail on Sunday spoke to four of the six MPs, three confirmed privately that she made the remark and one declined to comment. The other two could not be contacted.
© 2007 The Daily Mail
If ever a woman had a cock this bitch surely does!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Poll: Most Israelis Support Using Nukes
Published on Monday, October 1, 2007 by The Jerusalem Post/Israel
Poll: Most Israelis Support Using Nukes
Staff Writers
Approximately 72 percent of Israelis support the use of nuclear weapons in certain circumstances, according to a Canadian survey released recently. The survey - conducted jointly at the end of July by the Simons Foundation and Angus Reid Strategies - was answered by adults in six countries and showed that 37% of Israelis believed the use of nuclear weapons to prevent a war would be justified, while 35% believed the weapons could be justifiably used during a war.
In addition, the survey found that Israel had the lowest public support for destroying nuclear weapons out of all the countries questioned.
Israel also had the highest percentage in favour of the country using its “power and influence in a way that serves its own interests” - approximately 55% - as opposed to “coordinat[ing] with other countries to do what’s best for the world as a whole.”
Nearly 72% also agreed that “nuclear weapons place Israel in a unique position, so it is not in our interest to participate in treaties that would reduce or eliminate our purported nuclear arsenal.”
About three-quarters of Israelis also said they would feel safer if they knew for certain that Israel had nuclear weapons. Israel has thus far maintained its policy of nuclear ambiguity.
The organizers of the study suggested that Israel accorded greater importance to the nuclear form of defence due to the Iranian threat, Army Radio reported.
The study spanned a sample of 1,000 adults in Britain, France, Italy, Germany and the US along with Israel.
Dangerous news indeed. These Zionist cunts are about as safe a jewish African gayer at a Klan rally.

Strange how the Zionists become more like the Nazis every day. Both words have the letters Z,N,I,S. Coincidence? I think not!
Poll: Most Israelis Support Using Nukes
Staff Writers
Approximately 72 percent of Israelis support the use of nuclear weapons in certain circumstances, according to a Canadian survey released recently. The survey - conducted jointly at the end of July by the Simons Foundation and Angus Reid Strategies - was answered by adults in six countries and showed that 37% of Israelis believed the use of nuclear weapons to prevent a war would be justified, while 35% believed the weapons could be justifiably used during a war.
In addition, the survey found that Israel had the lowest public support for destroying nuclear weapons out of all the countries questioned.
Israel also had the highest percentage in favour of the country using its “power and influence in a way that serves its own interests” - approximately 55% - as opposed to “coordinat[ing] with other countries to do what’s best for the world as a whole.”
Nearly 72% also agreed that “nuclear weapons place Israel in a unique position, so it is not in our interest to participate in treaties that would reduce or eliminate our purported nuclear arsenal.”
About three-quarters of Israelis also said they would feel safer if they knew for certain that Israel had nuclear weapons. Israel has thus far maintained its policy of nuclear ambiguity.
The organizers of the study suggested that Israel accorded greater importance to the nuclear form of defence due to the Iranian threat, Army Radio reported.
The study spanned a sample of 1,000 adults in Britain, France, Italy, Germany and the US along with Israel.
Dangerous news indeed. These Zionist cunts are about as safe a jewish African gayer at a Klan rally.

Strange how the Zionists become more like the Nazis every day. Both words have the letters Z,N,I,S. Coincidence? I think not!

Monday, October 1, 2007
Mud On The Tracks
I had just returned from Scotland, which was not unusual in itself as I’d been over and back at least once a week for the previous few months, but this time I took the train instead of hiring a car.
Having visited Edinburgh, Dundee & Aberdeen I have come to the conclusion that the English language is well and truly dead. Either that or it has evolved or devolved into a series of grunts and nods that my untrained eyes and ears are unable to fathom.
The Scottish rail system is really rather good, it was privatised a few years back and since then the standard of care given to passengers is fairly high. Well being from Ireland if the train can go faster than thirty miles an hour then it’s an improvement.
The carriage I ended up sitting in was quiet, the air of silence only disturbed by the humming of the tracks. This calm silence lasted for about thirty minutes, when at one of the lesser stops, a small gathering of English males, from Newcastle I derived, boarded the train, and as the mother of bad luck would have it, decided on my carriage to sit.
These guys having settled down for the trip, which lasts roughly two and half hours, then decided to while away the time by drinking cans of Stella and annoying everybody who happened to be within shouting distance, myself included. After the initial excitement of seeing two young girls pass by in short skirts had subsided, one of the guys opted to start a conversation with myself. He got the annoying formality of finding out my name out of the way by addressing me as "Hippie". I can only surmise that he decided on the name because of the long hair and beard I was sporting at the time.
I of course smiled as best I could, what else was to I do? There was only one of me and four of them. I answered politely and continued with my examination of floor which had been occupying me since these gentlemen boarded the train. Best not to make eye contact I thought.
On hearing my Irish accent the group got a bit excited. Not rowdy excited, just excited. Comments started drifting my way, everybody in the group had a go, and I just smiled, not because they were funny, but because I couldn't understand a bloody word they were saying.
This is when I became deeply interested in the group as a whole. I could no longer view them as normal men; they had grown, developed into something much more interesting. The thought kept crossing my mind, these guys are from England, the birth place of English as a language, and they can't speak a word of it.
The rest of the journey passed by in a haze, they continued to speak at me and I continued to glare and answer as best I could. The scene never got ugly or menacing but I couldn't shake the feeling that these guys weren't like me. They had their own tongue, slang, cuss words and I kept thinking what it must be like in their world. They can all talk to and understand each other, but as soon as they speak to anybody, not from their little community, their comments must always be met with blank stares and hurried responses, they must feel so misunderstood.
The journey ended, eventually, we all disembarked, said our goodbyes and parted. It wasn't all that exciting, my train journey, but I did discover something on the way. The English language is dead, and it's the English that killed it.
Having visited Edinburgh, Dundee & Aberdeen I have come to the conclusion that the English language is well and truly dead. Either that or it has evolved or devolved into a series of grunts and nods that my untrained eyes and ears are unable to fathom.
The Scottish rail system is really rather good, it was privatised a few years back and since then the standard of care given to passengers is fairly high. Well being from Ireland if the train can go faster than thirty miles an hour then it’s an improvement.
The carriage I ended up sitting in was quiet, the air of silence only disturbed by the humming of the tracks. This calm silence lasted for about thirty minutes, when at one of the lesser stops, a small gathering of English males, from Newcastle I derived, boarded the train, and as the mother of bad luck would have it, decided on my carriage to sit.
These guys having settled down for the trip, which lasts roughly two and half hours, then decided to while away the time by drinking cans of Stella and annoying everybody who happened to be within shouting distance, myself included. After the initial excitement of seeing two young girls pass by in short skirts had subsided, one of the guys opted to start a conversation with myself. He got the annoying formality of finding out my name out of the way by addressing me as "Hippie". I can only surmise that he decided on the name because of the long hair and beard I was sporting at the time.
I of course smiled as best I could, what else was to I do? There was only one of me and four of them. I answered politely and continued with my examination of floor which had been occupying me since these gentlemen boarded the train. Best not to make eye contact I thought.
On hearing my Irish accent the group got a bit excited. Not rowdy excited, just excited. Comments started drifting my way, everybody in the group had a go, and I just smiled, not because they were funny, but because I couldn't understand a bloody word they were saying.
This is when I became deeply interested in the group as a whole. I could no longer view them as normal men; they had grown, developed into something much more interesting. The thought kept crossing my mind, these guys are from England, the birth place of English as a language, and they can't speak a word of it.
The rest of the journey passed by in a haze, they continued to speak at me and I continued to glare and answer as best I could. The scene never got ugly or menacing but I couldn't shake the feeling that these guys weren't like me. They had their own tongue, slang, cuss words and I kept thinking what it must be like in their world. They can all talk to and understand each other, but as soon as they speak to anybody, not from their little community, their comments must always be met with blank stares and hurried responses, they must feel so misunderstood.
The journey ended, eventually, we all disembarked, said our goodbyes and parted. It wasn't all that exciting, my train journey, but I did discover something on the way. The English language is dead, and it's the English that killed it.
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