Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Racism In Ireland

What a great little country we live in. Cead mile failte, land of a thousand welcomes, just so long as you’re white and speak fluent English. Yes I watched Prime Time on the idiot box last night and sensationalized as it undoubtedly was it still left a bad taste in my mouth. I’m well aware that there are some emigrants who are milking the social welfare system but let’s not tarnish all emigrants with the same well worn brush. There are plenty of Irish people doing the same thing.

We’ve always had an ample sense of bigotry on this island fed by years of torment at the hands of our near neighbors and historical oppressors but that was somehow accepted by the population at large. Skin color was less relevant we just hated the English, a national pastime, and sure wasn’t it great to have a hobby.

With the exception of the man who was hidden by a tree while he launched a tirade of vitriolic abuse at an African running for local government the most ignorant and rabid of those interviewed on last night’s program seemed to be either on their way to score heroin or on their way back. Their jaundiced complexions and nasal tones attesting to the fact, spinning the mantra straight from the Idiots Guide To Racism “Yeah all dem foreigners coming over here stealing our jobs” and this from a couple of vacuous fuck-tards who probably never worked a day in their wasted lives. How short the memories.

I’m incapable of fathoming how any Irish person can be critical of emigrants. Are we, the Irish, not the most nomadic of nationalities? Our ancestors are flung to furthest corners of the Earth and we expect to be accepted and taken into the fold of each and every nation we choose to inhabit. Yet we treat those emigrating here with contempt. It appears that what’s good for the goose is not in fact good for the gander.

Those non-national non-EU people working here are to have the rules under which they can work curtailed. The government, in their infinite cuntishness, are to introduce a clause whereby the honest and hard working emigrants are only allowed to stay in the country for three months if they lose their jobs. They will not be allowed to apply for another job unless it has first been advertised for eight weeks. Thus removing all hope of ever finding another job. So they have three months in which to find employment but they can’t look for the first two. How very Kafkaesque of our fearless leaders. Deportation by stealth.

There are reported to be over 80 million people in the Irish diaspora and if they we’re all deported back to Ireland the fucking place would sink. We truly are advancing as a nation, we’re no longer just a bigoted shower, no, now we can add racist and xenophobic to the list too. Welcome to Ireland but mind you don't stay too long.

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