Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Very Bits

I have been very busy of late, sheering spiders, milking motorcycles, and pruning bunions that sort of thing. Actually no I was flat out busy campaigning for the national elections. I ran using a stealth strategy which included no posters, no ad campaigns, no radio or television broadcasts and I only canvassed at night without knocking. I’d stand at the door for fifteen minutes and if nobody opened it I’d go to the next door. I saw some lovely knockers, and door bells and the like, but no people. I was wrecked after it and I never got a vote.

In other news:

MANCHESTER has beaten London, Dublin and Los Angeles in a league table of the world's best places to live.

But the top 10 most desirable cities, according to a survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit, are virtually all in Canada and Australia, because they are seen as safe from terror attacks.

The place has come on leaps and bounds since the IRA bombed the fuck out of it in the 90’s. I've spent quiet some time there in recent years and I can assure you it has just as many cunts as London or Dublin.

Check out the Beetham Tower below, clearly designed by a fucktard with a ruler and I’m convinced they built it upside down.

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