Monday, January 28, 2008

Bandy Legged Gypsies

Where the bloody hell are all these bandy legged Romanians coming from? There seems to be an inordinate amount of them hanging out at roundabouts in the greater Dublin metropolitan area. I’ve seen one legged ones hobbling along rows of cars with a bucket in one hand and a crutch in the other. I’ve seen another one, a young fella, with one good leg and one leg that just didn’t quite make it. He lets it dangle over the hand hold of the crutch with the trouser leg rolled up so the world can see it. I assume the idea is to instil a sense of pity in the drivers who might say “ah the poor bandy legged Romanian divil” and give him a few bob. Perhaps there was an advertisement in Romanian Gypsy Weekly; “Bandy Legged Gypsies Wanted In Ireland. Excellent Career Opportunities. Choose Your Own Roundabout”.

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