Monday, February 5, 2007

Little People & The Aeroplane

I firmly believe little people aka babies should not be allowed on aeroplanes. I was in London recently and on the 6:30am flight over there were two small people (about 4 or 5) and they screamed the whole way. Little bastards! Then on the flight back there was an even smaller person (about 1 or 2) who cried the whole way back.

Now I know planes can be scary places for kids not to mention the ear popping bit which might cause pain and I accept all that but surely it would be better for everyone concerned if we had a little plane following behind the big plane, we could put all the kids in that one.

The lady sat next to me asked me for one good reason why I didn’t like kids.

So I gave her four

(1) their too small,
(2) their totally unreasonable,
(3) their incontinent
(4) their shite conversationalists!!

Funnily enough she didn’t speak to me after that.

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